Classic Car Insurance vs. Traditional Auto Insurance Basics for Motorists

There’s nothing better than driving your classic car along Lincoln, NE scenic roads and basking in the picturesque scenery found along local highways and byways. 

The insurance experts at Brokers Insurance Agency provide some insights into the differences between classic car insurance and traditional auto insurance. 

Traditional Auto Insurance Basics

Traditional car insurance covers new and used cars for liability claims made by drivers who incur property damage or medical expenses due to at-fault account claims. Liability coverage doesn’t offer any protections for repairing or replacing your damaged vehicle. 

Comprehensive and Collision Offers Extended Coverages for Lincoln NE Drivers 

Comprehensive and collision insurance are optional add-ons that extend your coverage to include collision-related accidents, thefts, vandalism, and damages caused by natural disasters. 

Classic Car Insurance vs. Traditional Auto Insurance 

The primary difference between classic car insurance and traditional car insurance is policy value. 

Most traditional car insurance policies are based on your vehicle’s year, make, and model, driving history, and age. 

Vintage Car Insurance Equals More Value

Classic car insurance holders have specialty coverage that protects their vehicle for its agreed-upon vintage value rather than its age. 

Vintage car owners who opt for traditional insurance may find that their coverage lacks the specific details needed to keep their classic beauties in top shape. 

Get a Classic Car Insurance Quote in Nebraska! 

Talk to the licensed and knowledgeable agents at Brokers Insurance Agency to learn more about insurance coverage for vintage autos, accessories, and related parts. 

Say goodbye to driving your classic car with inadequate insurance when you contact a licensed agent at our office for a quote today! 

Classic Car Insurance vs. Traditional Auto Insurance Basics for Motorists

There’s nothing better than driving your classic car along Lincoln, NE scenic roads and basking in the picturesque scenery found along local highways and byways. 

The insurance experts at Brokers Insurance Agency provide some insights into the differences between classic car insurance and traditional auto insurance. 

Traditional Auto Insurance Basics

Traditional car insurance covers new and used cars for liability claims made by drivers who incur property damage or medical expenses due to at-fault account claims. Liability coverage doesn’t offer any protections for repairing or replacing your damaged vehicle. 

Comprehensive and Collision Offers Extended Coverages for Lincoln NE Drivers 

Comprehensive and collision insurance are optional add-ons that extend your coverage to include collision-related accidents, thefts, vandalism, and damages caused by natural disasters. 

Classic Car Insurance vs. Traditional Auto Insurance 

The primary difference between classic car insurance and traditional car insurance is policy value. 

Most traditional car insurance policies are based on your vehicle’s year, make, and model, driving history, and age. 

Vintage Car Insurance Equals More Value

Classic car insurance holders have specialty coverage that protects their vehicle for its agreed-upon vintage value rather than its age. 

Vintage car owners who opt for traditional insurance may find that their coverage lacks the specific details needed to keep their classic beauties in top shape. 

Get a Classic Car Insurance Quote in Nebraska! 

Talk to the licensed and knowledgeable agents at Brokers Insurance Agency to learn more about insurance coverage for vintage autos, accessories, and related parts. 

Say goodbye to driving your classic car with inadequate insurance when you contact a licensed agent at our office for a quote today! 

Tips to keep your classic car running like new

If you’re a classic car enthusiast here in the Lincoln, NE area, nothing is more rewarding than seeing your ride running like new. Unfortunately, with age comes wear and tear on classic cars, making it hard to keep them in pristine condition. Here are some tips from us at Brokers Insurance Agency to help you keep your classic car running like new:

  1. Regular Maintenance: Scheduling regular maintenance checks for your classic car is essential for keeping it running smoothly over the years. During these check-ups, mechanics should inspect all parts of the vehicle to make sure everything is in good working order. Paying attention to warning signs such as strange noises or inconsistent performances from the engine can also help identify any potential problems before they become significant issues.
  2. Quality Parts: Investing in quality parts is vital when repairing or replacing components on your classic car. Look for components specifically designed for vintage vehicles, as they will ensure optimal performance and longevity from your classic car. Don’t skimp on quality parts; going this route could cost you more down the road if you need to replace them again soon after installation due to low-quality materials used during manufacturing. 
  3. Use Original Fittings: While some modifications may be necessary to keep your classic car running like new, try not to stray too far from original fittings and fixtures when possible. Using original fittings helps preserve the vehicle’s authenticity and can also improve performance over time by preventing excess strain on other components, such as the engine or transmission. 

For more tips or to explore an insurance policy to cover your ride, call us at Brokers Insurance Agency today. We serve the Lincoln, NE area.

Tips for Maintaining Your Classic Car

There’s nothing quite like taking a drive in a classic car. The feeling of the wind in your hair, the sun on your face, and the engine’s rumble is an experience that can’t be beaten. If you’re lucky enough to own a classic car, then you know how important it is to keep it in good condition. After all, these cars are not only works of art but also valuable investments. Here are a few tips to help you maintain your classic car.

1. Get Classic Car Insurance

One of the best ways to protect your classic car is to get the right insurance. Classic car insurance is designed specifically for these types of vehicles and includes coverage for things like agreed value and parts replacement. This type of insurance can be more expensive than regular car insurance, but it’s worth knowing that your classic car is adequately protected.

2. Store Your Car Properly

When you’re not driving your classic car, it’s essential to store it properly. This means keeping the elements in a cool, dry place. If you have the space, consider investing in a garage or carport. If not, then be sure to cover your car when it’s parked outside.

3. Keep It Clean

A classic car is a work of art, so keeping it clean is important. This means washing and waxing the exterior regularly. You should also vacuum and polish the interior to keep it looking its best.

4. Stay on Top of Maintenance

Just like any other car, a classic car needs regular maintenance. This includes changing the oil, checking the tires, and making sure the brakes are in good working order. By staying on top of maintenance, you can help keep your classic car running smoothly for years to come.

If you’re lucky enough to own a classic car, follow these tips to help maintain it. And if you are looking for classic car insurance, be sure to contact Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE. We specialize in classic car insurance and can help you find the coverage you need to protect your investment.

Thorough Overview Of Classic Car Insurance

Richards Insurance Agency provides coverage to the Lincoln, NE community, as well as the surrounding areas. We consult with our clients and develop a game plan to help them find the insurance coverage they need to protect their assets. We offer flexible policies designed to meet our client’s unique needs. We look forward to offering you quality service.

Classic Car Insurance Overview

Classic cars are unique assets. As the owner of a classic car, insurance adds another layer of protection as you maintain your vehicle. In order for your vehicle to meet the classification as a classic car, it must pass certain qualifications. The car should be at least 25 years old. You have to perform regular maintenance on the vehicle to keep it in great shape. Your vehicle may also qualify for classic status if you have amended the original specifications to add more value to the vehicle. Low mileage is another feature of classic cars. Generally, you should only drive the car to Lincoln, NE car shows and exhibits. Only driving the car on special occasions enhances the value of your classic car.

Classic car coverage is similar to traditional coverage because you are protected if you are held liable for property damage or bodily injuries. Comprehensive coverage is more popular for classic cars, as they are always at risk of being stolen or vandalized. You can add special coverage to your policy. It’s important that you store your classic car in a secure garage or facility. However, an accident can still happen at any time. Storage coverage can protect your vehicle if a disaster strikes. If you add any accessories to the vehicle, you can add extra coverage to protect you if those parts are damaged.

Richards Insurance Agency Will Help You Find The Right Policy

Visit our website to learn more information about classic car insurance.  

What Does Classic Car Insurance Cover in Lincoln?

If you live in the Lincoln, NE area and have a classic car, you might cherish it for many reasons. Maybe it was passed down to you by a loved one, or perhaps you restored it with painstaking care weekend after weekend. These cars aren’t just vehicles to many owners, but a symbol of what America can be.

From the thrill of the summer sun to the warm nights spent hanging out with friends, there’s more to these vehicles than meets the eye. If you’re interested in classic car insurance, Richards Insurance Agency wants you to have the facts. 

Understanding Your Investment 

From theft to accidents to natural disasters, many things can threaten the classic car. The paint job or mirrors can be marred by anything from an errant tree branch in the driveway to a kid who threw a baseball a little too hard. Even if you keep your classic car in the garage, there’s no such thing as an impenetrable fortress. You can count on classic car insurance to be there for you when you need it the most. You design the coverage, so you only pay for what you need. 

Finding the Right Help

If you have questions about different kinds of policies and what kinds of threats you’re likely to face in your hometown, the Richards Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE is here to be of service. Our agents are here to give you the kind of advice that will help you understand how you can best use the coverage to your advantage. If you have questions — whether you own one classic car or five — give us a call today to see what we can do. 

Do You Qualify for Classic Car Insurance?

Owning a classic car can be a fun and rewarding experience, but you must ensure that you have the proper insurance coverage on your vehicle for security and to protect your investment.

Although classic cars are not generally driven on the roadways as much as a regular vehicle, you must ensure that your coveted possession is adequately insured in case of a fire, theft, vandalism, natural disaster, or an accident.

How classic car insurance works

Most vehicles, including brand-new ones, depreciate in value over time, unless you own a classic car. Many of those vehicles will appreciate in value over time, so you will want to have enough coverage for your investment through the process of obtaining specialized insurance.

Check For Eligibility

There are some requirements that your vehicle must meet to be considered a classic car and to be eligible for classic car insurance.

To be considered a classic car, a vehicle must be at least ten-years-old to 24 years-old with historical interest. Examples of this are muscle cars or hot rods. To be considered an antique car, your vehicle must be 25 or more years old with historical interest. Your vehicle should only be used in a limited capacity and not used for everyday activities.

The condition of your classic car is important since it must be maintained, preserved, and restored or currently undergoing the restoration process to be considered for classic car insurance. You must also have your classic car stored in an enclosed building for safekeeping and to qualify for an insurance policy.

Obtaining a Policy

Most policies for classic and antique cars include several coverage options, such as comprehensive, liability, collision, and more. The agents and staff at Richards Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE are ready to answer any questions you may have about classic car insurance and to assist you in obtaining the best policy for you and your prized possession. Visit Richards Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE for more information.