What Is Umbrella Insurance?

While you’re shopping for home insurance or other types of coverage, your insurance agent at Brokers Insurance Agency, serving Lincoln, NE, may prompt you to consider an umbrella insurance policy. Understanding what umbrella insurance entails and how it offers additional help will allow you to decide whether it’s the right coverage for your needs.

What Is Umbrella Insurance?

An umbrella insurance policy is a type of extended coverage that amplifies the liability limits of standard homeowners, watercraft, or auto insurance policies, offering extra safeguarding layers. In addition to this expanded liability coverage, umbrella insurance can grant additional protections against slander, vandalism, libel, and invasion of privacy.

Who Can Benefit from Umbrella Insurance?

If you partake in activities presenting an increased risk of lawsuits or possess substantial assets, you may stand to lose a great deal in a lawsuit. This makes umbrella insurance a wise investment.

How to Obtain Umbrella Insurance

Securing umbrella insurance is straightforward. You can ensure you receive appropriate coverage by engaging with an insurance agent. At Brokers Insurance Agency serving Lincoln, NE, our primary mission is to shield our customers while assuring they have the right level of coverage suiting their individual needs.

We’re more than willing to explore umbrella insurance options with you while arranging your auto, homeowners, or watercraft insurance. Call today to schedule an appointment and embark on your journey of complete protection.

Five Things you Should Know about Umbrella Insurance

Insurance is an essential part of living in today’s world. There is insurance for just about everything you can think of, such as home insurance, renters insurance, boat insurance, umbrella insurance, and much more. Umbrella insurance is one of those things that some people have never heard of. It is different from most types of insurance in a few ways. Read on to discover five things you should know about umbrella insurance.

What is umbrella insurance?

Umbrella insurance is an extra type of liability insurance. When your liability limits run out on your auto or home insurance, umbrella insurance can cover the rest of the liability cost.

Umbrella insurance is not for everyone.

While umbrella insurance might be helpful for various people, some people don’t need that extra liability insurance. Umbrella insurance is mainly for people with high-risk factors or a high net worth.

You might need umbrella insurance if

You might need umbrella insurance if you have things that put you at higher liability risk. People these days like to sue, so having umbrella insurance can help in those cases. Some of the things that put you at a higher risk include:

  • Swimming pool
  • Trampoline
  • Dogs
  • Regularly having people over
  • Teenage drivers
  • High net worth

Basic things umbrella insurance covers

Here are some of the basic things umbrella insurance covers:

  • Lawsuits
  • Personal liability
  • Injuries
  • Property damage

The nice thing is umbrella insurance isn’t specific to any single policy, like your home or auto insurance. It helps when the liability limits run out on your current policies.

Research your options

Like anything else, it pays to research your options before settling on a policy. Premiums, deductibles, and coverage can be different depending on what insurance company you go with. Choose the company and policy that works best for your needs.

Contact Brokers Insurance Agency

Call or visit us at Brokers Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE for a quote on an umbrella insurance policy.

Benefits of an umbrella policy for liability protection

Brokers Insurance Agency is proud to be a resource for the business community in the greater Lincoln, NE area. If you are wondering if it’s time for you to consider an umbrella policy for liability protection, we can answer any questions that you may have. Give us a call today and schedule your consultation.

Umbrella policies for commercial liability protection

When protecting your company, liability can often feel like the most significant risk. This is especially true for retail businesses or those with a high rate of slip and fall incidents or other situations that can turn into frivolous lawsuits. One suit that goes the wrong way can exhaust a primary insurance policy.

You can enjoy additional coverage above your primary policy with an umbrella policy in place. Your umbrella policy will come into play when your primary commercial policy reaches its maximum. This provides you with additional protection right when your company needs it.

If you want to protect your firm from excessive liability risk, why not investigate your umbrella insurance policy options today? This type of policy can help to ensure that your company can continue to operate even if you experience a covered event for which you are held liable. With a commercial umbrella insurance policy in place, you can rest assured that your hard work is protected now and well into the future. 

Now might be the right time to add an umbrella policy to your commercial insurance portfolio.

If you are a business owner in the greater Lincoln, NE area, you can rely on Brokers Insurance Agency for your commercial insurance needs. Find out more about how an umbrella policy can provide liability protection by calling us today.

I’m Not Wealthy. Do I need Umbrella Insurance?

Umbrella insurance isn’t something you hear many people talk about. It’s safe to say that there are probably many people who don’t understand what this insurance is and how it works. As a result, it’s not uncommon to find that there are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to umbrella insurance. One of those misconceptions could be the belief that people who carry this insurance are usually very rich or wealthy. However, this isn’t necessarily true. 

What Is Umbrella Insurance?

It’s easiest to explain umbrella insurance as supporting insurance. This type of insurance is not designed to be used as primary insurance. Instead, it is designed to step in after you’ve exhausted levels of coverage for your primary insurance. Most insurance agencies require you to have a primary insurance policy in place before you can purchase umbrella insurance. Plus, this insurance can’t be used or activated until your primary insurance has been applied and exhausted. The Richards Insurance Agency wants Lincoln, NE residents to understand how umbrella insurance works and ways that it might benefit their unique situation. In essence, umbrella insurance’s primary purpose is to protect your assets and financial standing from liability, defamation, and being sued. If you could stand to lose your assets or financial status as a result of being sued, umbrella insurance may be a wise investment. It’s designed for anyone who has assets they want to protect. You don’t have to be wealthy. 

Who Should Invest in Umbrella Insurance?

If you are a person who has assets to protect and you’re concerned about being sued are held liable for something that could cause financial loss or the loss of your assets, you should consider umbrella insurance. Although none of us hopes for misfortune to befall on us, it can happen. It’s better to be safe than sorry. A helpful benefit regarding this type of insurance is that you can set the limits to suit your unique situation. Not everyone will need a ten-million-dollar policy. You may be able to provide adequate protection and peace of mind with a million-dollar policy. You choose the limits based on your assets and your unique needs. We’re here to help you determine if you’d be a good candidate for this type of insurance. We’re also here to help you assess your situation and determine what the best level of coverage would be for you. Give us a call. Let us guide you through the process and answer any questions that you may have about a policy.

Dogs & Umbrella Insurance: What Homeowners Need to Know

Dogs are wonderful, loving animals that can quickly become trusted members of our family. They serve as our companions, and often, they can warn away intruders and protect us from harm. Unfortunately, dogs don’t always know the good guy from the bad. So if you’ve ever been worried about your dog nipping or biting a guest (or the dreaded delivery personnel), then it is a good idea to review your Lincoln, NE insurance policy for its policy related to dogs. Here’s what to know:

Dogs & Umbrella Insurance: What to Know

Even if you have a seemingly comprehensive homeowner’s insurance policy, you may not have coverage for medical damages and legal expenses related to a dog bite. Most homeowners’ insurance policies, including those offered by our team at Richards Insurance Agency, cover your home and personal property in the event of a theft, disaster, or similar situation. They tend to have strict limits on the financial protection for guests who are injured in your home. You may have some personal liability and medical payment coverage. Still, it is often a token amount, and generally, it will only cover situations that occur within your own home and not if you’re, for example, walking your dog down the sidewalk. 

For the best financial protection and protection for off-home and in-home biting incidents, you need umbrella insurance. Umbrella insurance is a type-of add-on policy you can get that will provide extra liability coverage and legal defense costs for situations that occur outside the scope of your general insurance policy. Given that dog-related claims now account for a whopping one-third of personal liability claims, getting this extra protection makes financial sense. 

Learn More at Richards Insurance Agency

For more information about umbrella insurance, contact our team at Richards Insurance Agency in Lincoln, NE today.