Top Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Nebraska

Motorcycle accidents in Nebraska are no joke. With a combination of wide-open highways and city slowdowns, the safety and security of your bike have become ever-more important. Brokers Insurance Agency Lincoln, NE understands that knowing the risks helps you best prepare, so we’ve assembled a short list of the top causes of motorcycle accidents in Nebraska.


It’s common to hear Midwesterners say, "If you don’t like the weather, wait 5 minutes." As insurance experts, we suggest you wait 5 minutes before driving in potentially dangerous weather. Nebraska is well-known for having seasonal thunderstorms, hail, and the occasional tornado, which can create hazardous motorcycle conditions.

Overdriving the Conditions

It’s really neat to speed and do tricks in the movies. Nebraska’s open highways can lend the illusion that there is no traffic around and no hazards, so it’s safe to try out a few tricks. Maybe you want to try the open road and see how fast that new bike can go. Instead, remember that those speedsters in the movies are trained stunt drivers. Even on an open road, the average driver won’t have the skills to test these maneuvers safely — and it’s illegal too.


When a car meets a motorcycle in an accident, chances are the car will come off with less damage and injury. Other drivers on the road, especially those in four-wheeled vehicles or larger, are a significant source of motorcycle-related accidents and injuries. Understanding how to deal with drivers around town is vital to your defensive driving when on a bike. 

Brokers Insurance Agency knows Lincoln, NE, and wants to keep your motorcycle safe. Contact us today.